*So, I think both Margaret and myself are not the best "Hey let's take pictures because I totally always remember my camera!" people. Which is why we don't seem to have any pictures with JUST us. But we are friends! Promise. :)

I miss Margaret keeper-of-all-my-love Huntington more than I can say. It hurts my heart. I forgot about my goal to create more "I love this person and this is why," things so I am hereby reinstating it. And I also remembered that I have forgotten to mention a very special someone in my recent blog creations: Landon Cole Welch, this is me expressing my love so you will continue to read my blog and love me back.

So . . . I love Margie. And this is why:

*She is hilarious and goofy and funny in a way that one would never expect. CRAZY, out-of-control funny.

*She does alien voices that are really addicting. Few and far between people can get me to use alien voices--when she's around, it never stops. That has to mean something.

*Margaret loves so much. She just loves. She shows she cares in her word and her touch. It's subtle but sweet and meaningful. And beautiful.

*I hereby quote Megzy: "Margaret is made of clouds." Translation: I don't know how or why, but Margaret's skin is so soft.

*Margie Wall-E style holds my hand. No one else could possibly understand. Just accept it.

*She is so incredibly talented. Her voice really is dynamite--it's mature but simple and almost a little edgy. Very interesting.

*Margie knows who she is. She knows the plan Father created for us and what that means for her life. She knows of her divine potential and believes in herself to live up to that. The kind of self-assuredness and confidence Margaret has makes her automatically just . . . appealing to people. Naturally individuals are drawn to those that love themselves because subconsciously we all know that means they are the people who best love others.

*Even though she's six hundred miles away, I feel her happiness with me.

I love you, friend. I'm Wall-E style hand holding you right now.


Megnificent said...

Ohhhh my gosh, the pain! I 100% concur with everything in this letter! Aaaah! I miss her so much!