I'd Give It All For You

Watch it. Love it. It will change your life.

I am not kidding when I say that this is the greatest love song ever written. I will sing it with a beautiful man one day--preferably my husband, because that's just dang cute. It just warms my heart on so many levels. That's all. I love it. The insights to my soul it entails abound.

And this particular performance of it is also particularly fabulous. Alison Jiear is one of my great, great idols. And if you don't salivate at the sound of Michael Cormick's voice, I don't care you who are--you don't have a soul. Enjoy.

Landon Cole Welch is a wonderful friend.


Anonymous said...

Yeah you do have a weird obsession with this song. My favorite part is when you sing it you usually just sing "i'd give it all for you" a few times and then stop. So most people think that thats all it is... kinda like you just made it up and put it to a tune....little do they know huh. And yet again i'm not even mentioned---strike two my friend, strike two