Landon Cole Welch

Okay; this post is in honor of my friend Landon Cole Welch. As a general understanding we should all know that, yes, I am obsessed with Landon, in a completely non-date, not at all a lets-get-married sort of way. But, yes, I am obsessed with his friendship. However, that is not the primary reason of his post privilege today. The primary reason is because he has clearly indicated that he has no interest in my blog unless it is about him. If he does not feel special, it's not even worth his time. (Yeah, he's a diva.) However, I love him enough that I am willing to satisfy this need that he has. So, here it goes. This is a list of all the things I love most about Landon:

-His family. They're hilarious and sweet and totally make sense with Landon.

-The relationship he has with his mom. They are two of the cutest people to see interact ever.

-His smile. He has the most sincere, pretty smile. It makes me so happy inside.

-His intellect. Sometimes Landon is just straight up surprising with the things he cares about and thinks about. I consider myself to care a good deal about the issues and things going on in the world and sometimes Landon can outshine everything I have to contribute to the topic. It's so cool how with some things he is just smart.

-The way he sees the beauty in everyone. There are times when Landon completely changes the way I view someone or something. He sees attributes in people that so few people can see; often things they don't even see in themselves.

And my number one ultra favorite thing about Landon is!:

-His hair. As vain as it is, he has fabulous hair. If my hair did the things his did I would be the hottest girl at Utah Valley University, no doubt. It fascinates me because even when it is messy and nasty, it still looks okay. His hair has two levels--super cute and not-so-cute but still totally presentable. When it's a mess, it looks like it was that sort of a mess on purpose. Yeah, I know; so great for him . . .irritating for everyone else. :)

I LOVE YOU, LANDONI! Now you are most definitely required to read my blog. Mwah!


Anonymous said...

Oh My hell!!!
You are the cutest sweetest person on the face of the planet! I'm so in love with you.
I totally am touched by this blog.
Call me honey---I hate that we never see each other.