So I've Been Thinking . . .

A dangerous pastime? I know. I love theatre. I love it; I do. I love the lights and the stage, the vanity, the drama, the costumes, the expression, how over-the-top everything is, the commentary on life as we know and how real and full of life that is. Bah! (In my head, I'm using a Shakespearean actor voice and making a face something like this.)

Oh, the humanity! Ya know, something like that. I probably should be wearing a beetnik sweater and snapping.

However, with all the love I have for this in my heart, I have to ask myself how realistic it is to imagine doing this forever. I've always been the type that said do what you have a passion for, do what makes you happy--I really believe in that philosophy. But, I have a passion for many things. And I see myself being happy doing a number of things. And, as ridiculous as it is, it is really hard to get a job as a drama teacher in Utah. I'd probably have to leave. Am I ready for that? Just a few short years from now? I don't want to finish a degree and then say, "Woops, just kidding." Don't get me wrong; I don't feel education is ever wasted. But a full-ride, four-year scholarship could be. . . and that terrifies me. Anywho, just thinking. If anyone has helpful thoughts on this topic, feel free to post. Or e-mail me. Either at or my new growed-up e-mail