CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? Yes. Yes you can. Who are we kidding we all saw it coming. haha

These two are getting married . . . Roberto Liddle and Emilou Sue Peterson. Both super rad people. Two BFFs of mine. And each other soon--ha! Get it? Like they're gonna be together forever cuz they'll be MARRIED? haha! oh man, I kill myself. And you too I'm sure. (Wipe a tear, slap my knee, fan myself) Phew, um anywho . . . guess what's rad!? I'm gonna be a bridesmaid! Rad right? And anyway I found this old picture of them and I thought it was a pretty good symbol of their relationship actually. Made me crack up. This is the exchange which I'm sure went with this picture: Roberto-"Okay just one minute I have some brownie to eat . . . Yep just a minute dear . . . Uh huh . . . " Emily-"Oh look Katie has a camera! Smile honey! Smile! Robert!!! Smile with me!" (Pausing in the conversation for a moment to pause for a strained smile photograph, proceeded by Emily slapping Robert on the shoulder for not paying attention) Oh man, they're so cute!!! No but real guys . . . you're awesome. I'm ridiculously happy for you.