The BETTER part of the summer was working at the Fantasticks at Sundance. (In association with UVU) Becca Cain was the stage manager, (my boss--I ASMed) Casey Price was the other ASM / sound human (This is when we really became friends and I am OBSESSED with him), Nick Grossaint was the lead (Same story of true frienship blossoming at this time with him, Dave Tinney was the director (And we KNOW how rad he is!)

I'm just going to quickly sum up a few other things since I have been SERIOUSLY dragging my feet about this post and it's March of 2010 and I'm over it--ha!

August: Brandon Rodier passed away. He commit suicide. It was a very emotional and tolling experience for everyone. I worry about Linda still. It was in his funeral the gap that I realized is missing. Pretty damn big one. I was a lot more emotional than I knew I would be.

So . . . September: Charlotte's Web. Directed by Chris Clark, puppetry by Nat Reed, stage management by Kyle Hess, leading Jacob Porter (Wilbur), Jana Grass (Charlotte), Alex Barlow (My opposite--Gander), Margaret Huntington (Lamb), Jacob Squire (Sheep), Jake Van Wagoner (Templeton), Julie and Jake Suazo (Zuckermans), Ames Bell (Lurvy), Kelsey Kendall (Fern), Nick Grossaint (Avery), Daniel Anderson and Heather Murdock (Fern's parents--what's their name again?), Britney Wing Jessamyn Svenson and Julie Olsen (Chorus Girls), Javier Ybarra Bekah Wilbur and Sarah Mann (Puppeteers). Collin Thomas and some other cool guys were our band--blue grass style. I think that's everyone . . . hmm. . . Jaron Hermansen did lights. I was the Goose and let's face it, I was pretty damn good.

October . . . Auditions for Much Ado About Nothing directed by John Graham and auditions for Urinetown directed by Dave Tinney. Made Urinetown--what the what?! Yeah YEAH! Ma Josephine Strong, aka Bobby's mom and overall badass. Starred Chase Ramsey (Bobby), Kelly Coombs (Hope), Ames Bell (Officer Lockstock), Ashley Grant (Ms. Pennywise), Kelsey Kendall (Little Sally), Emily Bell (Becky Two Shoes), Jacob Squire (Hot Blades Harry), Philip Varney (Barrel), Julie Olsen (Soupy Sue), Nick Grossaint (Tiny Tom), Jason Jensen (Old Man Strong), Margaret Huntington (Ms. Millenium), Jordan Kramer (Did he have a name? But he did play simply my favorite human!), Chase Brown (Mr. Cladwell), Collin Thomas (McQueen), Jacob Porter (Fipp), Mike Shephard (Cool Guy), Jamie Gordon (Cool girl), Aubrey Warner (Cool girl)--we had a pretty big cast. I mean for a musical not really only twenty, but each character was so unique and awesome it felt like a million people on that stage. I love that. I LOVE it. It was way cool and fun. Sure hope I didn't forget anyone. Kyle Hess--stage manager, Jaron Hermansen--bad ASS lighting design (best I've seen ever at UVU), Jared Lewis--set design, Dove Grimm--costume design and she actually did pretty great. Uh . . . oh yeah. Ashley got way sick the last three nights, Emily Bell stepped into her place, Aubrey Warner stepped into Emily's place and I still did ridiculous and silly old age makeup.

Um . . . tech day of Urinetown Jake Porter professed love for me via letter. We lightly dated for three weeks, for real dated for three weeks. I broke his heart, now it's been two, and I think he's about to break mine. I may have made a mistake. Maybe not. I have no way of knowing--all I feel is that the whole scenario scared me shitless. What to do now. What to do.