
This is another one I wrote late at night. I think it's actually semi-sane, but you're allowed to beg to differ. I kind of like it maybe. It is a true story that happened a few weeks ago. Enjoy:

I LOVE hugs. From almost anyone, almost anytime, almost anywhere. I do toss in the almost because there are the exceptions: e.g. the smelly Jewish kid on my trip to Europe that tried to kiss me--not that his being Jewish had anything to do with it, but I'm creating an image. He was smelly and nerdy and weird. Also, when I've just come from the gym, a hot place, or sunbathing . . . aka anytime I am sweaty and gross. And I can't think of a place that I wouldn't like a hug, but I'm sure there's one that exists in the world, so I'm covering my bases. But, for the most part, I love a good hug. Just a campanionable, sweet, innocent gesture of affection that says, "I think I'm neat. I think you're neat. Let's hug." That means so much to me! Well, most of my friends know this about me and expect it as such. And this also makes my reunions with them after a long period of time such an experience of joy for me! This week has been a week of many reunions, it seems. I had family here from Texas, all of my high school friends are finally home and we've had some togetherness good times, I hadn't seen a number of my college friends since school got out and I hung with them, and my best friend is going on his mission. Bittersweet, naturally; but that's another story. And I choose not to be the whiney friend over missionness when that's the Lord's calling. (After I got out my day's worth of it to my best girlfriends and sister, of course. :) ) But anywho. There was one hug in particular that really just meant so much; it was totally, just . . . healing. I won't say who, or where, or when because I don't want to embarrass anyone for being a particularly fantastic hugger, but they just grabbed me and held on tight for a good like entire minute. But it just kind of filled my heart with happy because (Heart with happy? I think I like that.) it wasn't a creepy hug, or a lovey hug, or an awkward hug, or an obligatory hug . . . none of that. It just was like, "Hey, you're neat. I'm neat. Let's hug." And I love that. That's all--great hug story is all I got.